Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tomorrow :)

I begin my 365 days photo project tomorrow.... (!!!)
Wish me luck :)

Here's the link to the blog: [link]
I also have a DeviantArt account. I'm not sure if I'd said that before. Anyway, some people that I've been talking to are also attempting this project.

One of them is ~Katrisa (her DA name), and here is the link to her blog [link]. Also, her DA account [link].

Another is ~OliverParish. He doesn't have a blog for his project, but instead is attempting it on Here is the link to his page [link].
PS. When you click the link, it will tell you you are leaving Go ahead and press continue. It only says that because i copy-pasted the links (so that it would say "link," instead of the entire URL)

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