Sunday, January 24, 2010


It is 1:05 in the morning here in Houston, Texas. I am extremely tired and all I really want to do at the moment is go to sleep, but instead I'm writing this blog entry. I know that you're probably thinking I'm one of those crazy teenagers who's so addicted to my computer that I feel the need to deprive myself of sleep in order to fulfill my need write on my blog. This is false. We're not all insane you know. In fact, very few of us are.

You'd be surprised how much thought and planning is necessary in order to live the life of a teen. High school is tough people! We have school, homework, studying for tests, and quizzes, sports, extra curricular activities, and we have to do all of this on top of building our resumes so that we can get into college, get a degree, and be successful in life (not that if you don't go to college you won't be successful, but having a degree certainly doesn't hurt). Oh, and on top of all that, it's crucial that we find time to actually have a life!

I'm not really sure where I'm going with this blog entry..but i guess that the point could be that adults really should cut teenagers some slack. Trust me when I say we already have enough going on in our lives, and we don't need the extra pressure. We try. Remember, no one is perfect....and if I may say so, adults are so far from it. But they try, and that's what counts right?

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