Monday, January 11, 2010

Everything :)

Have you ever had someone tell you they want to know everything about you? I have. It was just the other day, actually. One of those totally unexpected moments when you sort of rewind things in your mind, and wonder "did they really just say that?" I was texting my friend when it happened. I know him pretty well. After all, I talk to him almost every day. The thing is, he doesn't know that much about me. So I asked him what he wanted to know. His reply? "Everything :)". And yes, the smiley face was included. lol.

I'm definitely not the type of girl who enjoys talking about herself. I know many who are, but I'm just not one of them. Personally, I'd rather listen to what someone else has to say. So having someone tell me they want to know everything about me is surprising, and a little (weird). I had no idea what to say or where to begin. The truth is, people are so complex that no one really knows everything about a person. It's just not possible. We don't even know everything about ourselves.

Of course, I didn't end up listing everything about myself in a text message and sending it to my friend. It's just not possible, and I would have no idea what to say. So instead, we ended up playing the question game. You know, where you take turns asking each other questions. Any question you want to ask, the other person answers. We're still playing. It takes a long time to get to know a person, but isn't that what friendship is all about? Thank God for friends; I have the best:)

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