Saturday, January 16, 2010

Region Choir Auditions

Today I got to "chaperone" Region Choir Auditions! I'm aware that you probably don't know what that is...basically it's hundreds of middle school kids (grades 7 and 8) all auditioning for "All Region Choir." Region choir is simply the best voices in the region joining together to form a choir. Pretty simple. Anyway, it's a huge deal, and it's very important to me. Last year, I made Region Choir. So this year, I volunteered to help my middle school choir director with the kids auditioning this year:)

Sorry to bore you with the above. haha. So yeah, I got to help out with the auditions this year. It wasn't that bad..I just sat with the kids, hung out and talked for a while. I already knew all about how things were supposed to go because I'd already been through the audition process twice.

I've had a lot of people ask me why I'm in choir. I always tell them I do it because I love it! When you're up there singing in choir, and you realize just how great it sounds, it's one of the best feelings in the world. It makes you feel like you're a part of something special. I guess it's really not something you can understand unless you've done it. At Region Auditions, all the kids gather together in two huge gyms and wait for their turn. But before auditions begin, everyone sings over the music one last time. Together. When I was there today, and I heard was amazing. Who wouldn't want to be a part of something like that?

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