Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Right now i'm in my grade level class. I am...
  • bored
  • cold (yes, i do have a jacket on)
  • tired of sitting here in this stupid desk
  • really wanting to go outside and breathe fresh air (well..sorta fresh)
  • still bored
  • just now realizing that the color of the walls in this classroom are a really ugly shade of beige...
  • thinking about how much i hate that this building has chalkboards instead of whiteboards like the B and C buildings do... luckily the teacher's not using them (at this moment)
  • thinking about how much i dislike my biology teacher (who just so happens to be teaching this course). I was looking forward to a break from her during interim term, and instead i actually have her longer than i would with my normal schedule
  • wishing they had someone a little more exciting to listen to teaching this class


  1. depressing!!!! think about the bright side:

    the carpet is an awesome blue
    its 5A next
    its interim term
    at least we dont have tests :P

    there you go!!! haha

  2. haha! Yes Hunter, SO TRUE (now)! :D When i wrote that break was next. But it's 5A now!!!!! :D :D :D
