Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Top 25

Top 25 things you should know about me...(random order):
  1. I hate being called Maddie. So you shouldn't call me that...
  2. I love the crazy people:)
  3. I believe that "normal" is over-rated. The weirder the better.
  4. I hate pineapples.
  5. My favorite color is lime green
  6. I dislike pink very much
  7. GNOME is my absolute favorite word
  8. It's also my favorite noun...
  9. Chocolate chip cookies are amazing
  10. So are fajitas
  11. I shake milk before I drink it... don't ask why, but I totally think it tastes better that way.
  12. My friends mean the world to me
  13. They make my life. Not my day. My life.
  14. I believe in 2nd chances
  15. And that everything happens for a reason
  16. And when one door closes another opens
  17. I actually enjoy school
  18. I love music
  19. And photography
  20. And painting (esp. watercolor)
  21. And art in general
  22. Sometimes I write poetry
  23. I spend a lot of my time thinking and listening to music
  24. I'm not shy, I'm just really picky about who my friends are
  25. I put smiley faces after a lot of stuff... I guess I'm just a happy person:)

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