Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday Friday Friday

Right now I'm in blogging class. Today's our last day of interim term :( It's been so much fun! It's been really nice to get to take a break from my regular classes. You get kind of tired of them after a while. Interim term is all about learning new things, and exploring new interests (i think..). It definitely serves it's purpose. I am glad that it's Friday though... I'm ready for the weekend.

This weekend, on Saturday, I'm going to be helping my middle school choir director at Region Choir Auditions. They're a huge deal... and because I got in last year it should be really interesting to get a closer look at what goes on behind the scenes, and what's really involved in the audition process. I think he's going to be one of the judges for the boys, so I'll probably get to sit in on the auditions. That should be interesting. haha. I have to wake up at about 5:00 in the morning though, so I can be at my middle school by 6:00. The bus leaves at 7:00. It's totally worth it though, because I get to see some of my friends in 8th grade :)

TGIF!!! :D

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