"Behind the smile I'm just a girl who wishes for the world." -Marilyn Monroe
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
The coolest underwater photo...
The girl who waits
© Iness Rychlik
“The world is all gates, all opportunities, strings of tension waiting to be struck.”
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Nature; the perfect blend of light and dark
When seeking solace enter the kingdom
Leaves dance like fairies across the sky
As they fall to the ground
Covering it like a blanket
Each blade of grass is like a memory
There are many
Some broken pieces to represent the tough times
Did they make it through the fire?
Trees provide shelter
A home for animals through the storms
They sacrifice their branches and leaves to keep them safe
While standing tall
The rain falls
Like gentle tears across the sky
Hitting the ground
Pitter-patter like a heartbeat
When seeking solace enter the kingdom
Leaves dance like fairies across the sky
As they fall to the ground
Covering it like a blanket
Each blade of grass is like a memory
There are many
Some broken pieces to represent the tough times
Did they make it through the fire?
Trees provide shelter
A home for animals through the storms
They sacrifice their branches and leaves to keep them safe
While standing tall
The rain falls
Like gentle tears across the sky
Hitting the ground
Pitter-patter like a heartbeat
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I can hear the bird’s singing. I’ve always loved listening to them chirp. Each and every one of them has its own song, just like every person in the universe is different and has their own unique personality. I wonder, if you listened closely enough, could you understand what the birds are trying to say? Are they trying to tell us something? Maybe they’re angry or upset, or possibly just in a great mood; joyful and happy to be alive.
Music really begins in nature. Nature is music; a song in it’s purest form. It’s so simple, yet so beautiful at the same time. The birds are there to sing the melody. Depending on the time of day, a few gusts of wind may join in the song. Then there’s the steady breeze, like a soft whisper: a secret. You can hear the wind blowing against the leaves on the trees like chimes. The squirrels’ tiny little feet climbing up trees and along fences, and nibbling on acorns join in as well. Together, all the sounds of nature form a harmony. Life is a symphony.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Sitting outside in the grass in my own backyard, I imagine myself inside my dream. I’m sitting in the center of a large, empty field. I am alone, beneath a large oak tree. There’s nothing here that can disturb me; it’s just me out here by myself. I can hear myself think when I’m here alone. It’s my favorite place to be. There are no distractions. I look down at the rough grass below me and see its many colors. I can see the different shades of brown and green. The earth is the color of the coffee I hear my dad grinding in the kitchen every morning from the coffee beans. I watch as a leaf falls from the ancient oak tree and slowly drifts to the ground. That’s the beauty of nature . . . it is always changing.
Friday, October 15, 2010
I believe...
"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they’re right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." Marilyn Monroe said that. I really believe in what this quote says. It’s true, everything in life does happen for a reason. When you lose someone you really love, it’s tough, but in the end I believe that something good comes out of everything. Alexander Graham Bell said, "When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us." Putting the past behind us is important. It’s what allows us to move on and experience new things without having things from our past get in the way of our present success.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Best advice I've ever recieved...
The best advice anyone has ever given me is “if you don’t run, they can’t chase you.” I know it’s simple, but whenever someone asks me what the best advice anyone has ever given me is, that is always my answer. Maybe it’s because it’s always the first thing that pops into my head. Truth is, I’ve received a lot of great advice. Of course, the traditional “follow your heart” and other advice along the same lines. Most of what I’ve heard, and learned has really stuck with me because I really take what people say to heart. I love to think. Even though I’ve been given a lot of great advice, for some reason this advice is the one quote that I remember word for word, probably because it’s so simple, but still important. This advice was given to me when I was in Kindergarten. During Recess, all of the kids would go outside on the playground and play. Somehow, I almost always ended up being the little girl who was being chased a bunch of other little kids in a game of tag. I have never really enjoyed running, so this was not my favorite game. One day, I guess I decided that I’d had enough and went to seek my teachers advice on how in the world I could get those kids to stop chasing me around. Her advice was “if you don’t run, they can’t chase you,” so I tried it. Of course, it worked. It actually upset quite a few of my friends because they couldn’t figure out how they were supposed to chase me if I refused to run. That simple advice saved me a lot of unnecessary running during recess. Although I don’t have a problem with being chased around the playground at my age, I like to think of that simple advice in a different way. It’s kind of like what Eleanor Roosevelt said, “no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Just like no one can chase you if you don’t run.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Today my alarm went off at 6:30 AM. I got out of bed, walked to where my alarm clock sits on my bookshelf, and pressed snooze. Then, of course, I immediately hopped back in bed. You see, I never get out of bed and get ready the first time my alarm goes off. Even though I know it doesn’t really make a difference it always makes me feel better to have that extra ten or fifteen minutes of rest before beginning my day. Once my mother had come in and told me to get out of bed (it was now about 7:50, I got up and began getting ready for school. I wouldn’t say I necessarily have much of a daily routine each day. Not because I don’t go through the same thing daily, but because I’d hardly classify it as much of a routine at all. I just wake up, get dressed, brush my teeth, put on as little makeup as possible and head to school. My dad drives me to school everyday. He always enjoys talking to me in the car since we don’t talk often, but I’m usually too tired to have much of a conversation.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Simple love.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Race for the Cure

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Wide open spaces

Photography & quote
Gosh i love photography :)
"To keep things going for a long time, you just have to carry on taking photographs. By taking photographs you make discoveries about yourself and come to realize various things. If you're constantly reminded of things, this gives you the impulse to carry on. You learn things through taking photographs; photography is your teacher. The main thing is to keep on taking photographs for ever and ever."
- Nobuyoshi Araki
Saturday, September 18, 2010
25 things
1. There is no doubt in my mind that music is the best thing in the entire world. If I had to chose between hearing and sight, I would chose hearing because I honestly don't think I could survive without being able to hear the music.
2. I love blogs. The good ones, of course. I love hearing what other people have to say.
3. I am a total dork, but some people don't know that.
4. I can read music, and have played 3 different instruments (piano, violin and guitar), none of which I continue to play today. But I've been singing my entire life.
5. I would love to study abroad in Italy, because it is truly one of the most incredible places I've ever been in my life. I would also like to learn to speak Italian.
6. When I grow up I want to have a job that I love, and where I'm helping people.
7. I'm pretty sure I want to go into psychology, with a possible double major in music or photography. If I could just triple major in all three and still graduate in 4 years, I'd be set.
8. I know that music brings people together.
9. I don't like violence, but I understand it is a part of life.
10. My best friends mean the world to me.
11. I hate seafood--with the exception of shrimp.
12. I played softball though the 7th grade, then decided that it was just too competitive for me. But I still love softball.
13. I hate competition. It's just not in my nature.
14. I love birthdays. Yours, mine, his...doesn't matter whose. I just love birthdays.
15. Sweet Home Alabama is my favorite movie. I'm not sure why, but I pretty much love any movie with Reese Witherspoon.
16. I love country music. Sometimes it's like poetry, and other times the lyrics are just plain hilarious.
17. I don't plan on ever drinking. Too many people in my family have had problems with alcohol.
18. I don't judge people until I know them, because I wouldn't want people judging me.
19. I'm pretty good at managing my time. Always have been.
20. When I was little I always wanted a little brother. I got what I wanted. . . he's pretty cool.
21. I am a Christian by birth, but sometimes I'm not sure what I believe in. Except for Karma. That totally exists.
22. I am an incredibly inquisitive person.
23. I've had highlights, and my naturally brown hair eventually became pretty blond because of this. I'm still growing it out, but you can't tell anymore. I will never get highlights again.
24. I love taking and having photographs.
25. I have amazing friends. They're kinda crazy at times, but so am I. We're crazy together, and I love them.
2. I love blogs. The good ones, of course. I love hearing what other people have to say.
3. I am a total dork, but some people don't know that.
4. I can read music, and have played 3 different instruments (piano, violin and guitar), none of which I continue to play today. But I've been singing my entire life.
5. I would love to study abroad in Italy, because it is truly one of the most incredible places I've ever been in my life. I would also like to learn to speak Italian.
6. When I grow up I want to have a job that I love, and where I'm helping people.
7. I'm pretty sure I want to go into psychology, with a possible double major in music or photography. If I could just triple major in all three and still graduate in 4 years, I'd be set.
8. I know that music brings people together.
9. I don't like violence, but I understand it is a part of life.
10. My best friends mean the world to me.
11. I hate seafood--with the exception of shrimp.
12. I played softball though the 7th grade, then decided that it was just too competitive for me. But I still love softball.
13. I hate competition. It's just not in my nature.
14. I love birthdays. Yours, mine, his...doesn't matter whose. I just love birthdays.
15. Sweet Home Alabama is my favorite movie. I'm not sure why, but I pretty much love any movie with Reese Witherspoon.
16. I love country music. Sometimes it's like poetry, and other times the lyrics are just plain hilarious.
17. I don't plan on ever drinking. Too many people in my family have had problems with alcohol.
18. I don't judge people until I know them, because I wouldn't want people judging me.
19. I'm pretty good at managing my time. Always have been.
20. When I was little I always wanted a little brother. I got what I wanted. . . he's pretty cool.
21. I am a Christian by birth, but sometimes I'm not sure what I believe in. Except for Karma. That totally exists.
22. I am an incredibly inquisitive person.
23. I've had highlights, and my naturally brown hair eventually became pretty blond because of this. I'm still growing it out, but you can't tell anymore. I will never get highlights again.
24. I love taking and having photographs.
25. I have amazing friends. They're kinda crazy at times, but so am I. We're crazy together, and I love them.
What I wish you knew
I know it's it's impossible to tell you everything.
But sometimes, I wish i could
just sit there and let it all spill out.
My life story
pouring out of me.
Every wish, every triumph,
failure. . .
each and every dream.
Then maybe you'd know me.
Maybe then, somehow. . . you'd just get it;
be able to understand it all.
And I'd never have to explain
But sometimes, I wish i could
just sit there and let it all spill out.
My life story
pouring out of me.
Every wish, every triumph,
failure. . .
each and every dream.
Then maybe you'd know me.
Maybe then, somehow. . . you'd just get it;
be able to understand it all.
And I'd never have to explain
Excerpt of a journal entry
"Maybe someday you'll read this letter, but maybe not. I think that for now it shall remain in my journal, only for my eyes to see. I'll probably read it again someday, when I'm old and going through the things from my past, reminders of the memories. I'll remember how you made me feel, how much fun we had, and how you always made me smile. Thanks for that. . . "
Friday, September 17, 2010
Some call it courage- the ability to stand up to your fears and fight for what you believe in. Being able to say what you mean, what you need, and what you want. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, "no one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Many people never realize this. For some it takes their entire life for it to click, and even when it does, it's just too late.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Out of silence
When she smiles
he feels her joy
Contagious laughter
spreads the love
That one boy
brought out the life
in the girl who
he feels her joy
Contagious laughter
spreads the love
That one boy
brought out the life
in the girl who
was always silent
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
through a child's eyes
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Dropping choir...
So I am officially dropping choir this week...
To tell you the truth I'm sad it has come to this, but I'm just not enjoying it. I really don't like the director and I feel that he's just taken all of the fun out of the music for me. That's a pretty tough thing to do considering I'm so passionate about it! I love that feeling that I get when I'm up there performing in a choir and it's just perfect. To know that you're creating such beauty together is a truly magical feeling, and I just haven't felt it this past year. I guess it's just time for me to move on and take other classes. Hopefully I'm making the right decision for me. Of course, I will still continue to sing. I'll still be taking voice lessons, and singing in praise band every day during chapel. Although I'm sure I'll miss that feeling...the truth is I miss it even now. With this director, it's just never been there...
To tell you the truth I'm sad it has come to this, but I'm just not enjoying it. I really don't like the director and I feel that he's just taken all of the fun out of the music for me. That's a pretty tough thing to do considering I'm so passionate about it! I love that feeling that I get when I'm up there performing in a choir and it's just perfect. To know that you're creating such beauty together is a truly magical feeling, and I just haven't felt it this past year. I guess it's just time for me to move on and take other classes. Hopefully I'm making the right decision for me. Of course, I will still continue to sing. I'll still be taking voice lessons, and singing in praise band every day during chapel. Although I'm sure I'll miss that feeling...the truth is I miss it even now. With this director, it's just never been there...
I long to feel the music again...
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Our "adopted grandfather"

We had one of the best deserts ever there: a little brownie-like desert called a Capresé (i think that's what they called it). Homemade in the cafe and incredible!

Rome is incredible!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
"Photo Shoot"
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Letter to a long lost brother
(this photo is not mine)

I hope, with all of my heart, that wherever you are
you're safe.
I wish for you
a life full of happiness
with people who love you
I can only pray that someday
I'll have the chance to tell you
Thank You
for all that you taught me.
(this photo is not mine)
I hope, with all of my heart, that wherever you are
you're safe.
I wish for you
a life full of happiness
with people who love you
I can only pray that someday
I'll have the chance to tell you
Thank You
for all that you taught me.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Some wonderful photography :)
None of these photos are mine. If you click the link below each photo it will take you to the photographer's DeviantArt account.
I highly recommend taking a look at their galleries; they are some of my favorites :)
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