Saturday, September 18, 2010

25 things

1. There is no doubt in my mind that music is the best thing in the entire world. If I had to chose between hearing and sight, I would chose hearing because I honestly don't think I could survive without being able to hear the music.
2. I love blogs. The good ones, of course. I love hearing what other people have to say.
3. I am a total dork, but some people don't know that.
4. I can read music, and have played 3 different instruments (piano, violin and guitar), none of which I continue to play today. But I've been singing my entire life.
5. I would love to study abroad in Italy, because it is truly one of the most incredible places I've ever been in my life. I would also like to learn to speak Italian.
6. When I grow up I want to have a job that I love, and where I'm helping people.
7. I'm pretty sure I want to go into psychology, with a possible double major in music or photography. If I could just triple major in all three and still graduate in 4 years, I'd be set.
8. I know that music brings people together.
9. I don't like violence, but I understand it is a part of life.
10. My best friends mean the world to me.
11. I hate seafood--with the exception of shrimp.
12. I played softball though the 7th grade, then decided that it was just too competitive for me. But I still love softball.
13. I hate competition. It's just not in my nature.
14. I love birthdays. Yours, mine, his...doesn't matter whose. I just love birthdays.
15. Sweet Home Alabama is my favorite movie. I'm not sure why, but I pretty much love any movie with Reese Witherspoon.
16. I love country music. Sometimes it's like poetry, and other times the lyrics are just plain hilarious.
17. I don't plan on ever drinking. Too many people in my family have had problems with alcohol.
18. I don't judge people until I know them, because I wouldn't want people judging me.
19. I'm pretty good at managing my time. Always have been.
20. When I was little I always wanted a little brother. I got what I wanted. . . he's pretty cool.
21. I am a Christian by birth, but sometimes I'm not sure what I believe in. Except for Karma. That totally exists.
22. I am an incredibly inquisitive person.
23. I've had highlights, and my naturally brown hair eventually became pretty blond because of this. I'm still growing it out, but you can't tell anymore. I will never get highlights again.
24. I love taking and having photographs.
25. I have amazing friends. They're kinda crazy at times, but so am I. We're crazy together, and I love them.


  1. You are so cool, Madison. I am so lucky to have met you! :3

  2. aww, thanks Elizabeth! I'm glad I met you too, you're amazing! :)
