Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dropping choir...

So I am officially dropping choir this week...
To tell you the truth I'm sad it has come to this, but I'm just not enjoying it. I really don't like the director and I feel that he's just taken all of the fun out of the music for me. That's a pretty tough thing to do considering I'm so passionate about it! I love that feeling that I get when I'm up there performing in a choir and it's just perfect. To know that you're creating such beauty together is a truly magical feeling, and I just haven't felt it this past year. I guess it's just time for me to move on and take other classes. Hopefully I'm making the right decision for me. Of course, I will still continue to sing. I'll still be taking voice lessons, and singing in praise band every day during chapel. Although I'm sure I'll miss that feeling...the truth is I miss it even now. With this director, it's just never been there...

I long to feel the music again...