Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Best advice I've ever recieved...

The best advice anyone has ever given me is “if you don’t run, they can’t chase you.” I know it’s simple, but whenever someone asks me what the best advice anyone has ever given me is, that is always my answer. Maybe it’s because it’s always the first thing that pops into my head. Truth is, I’ve received a lot of great advice. Of course, the traditional “follow your heart” and other advice along the same lines. Most of what I’ve heard, and learned has really stuck with me because I really take what people say to heart. I love to think. Even though I’ve been given a lot of great advice, for some reason this advice is the one quote that I remember word for word, probably because it’s so simple, but still important. This advice was given to me when I was in Kindergarten. During Recess, all of the kids would go outside on the playground and play. Somehow, I almost always ended up being the little girl who was being chased a bunch of other little kids in a game of tag. I have never really enjoyed running, so this was not my favorite game. One day, I guess I decided that I’d had enough and went to seek my teachers advice on how in the world I could get those kids to stop chasing me around. Her advice was “if you don’t run, they can’t chase you,” so I tried it. Of course, it worked. It actually upset quite a few of my friends because they couldn’t figure out how they were supposed to chase me if I refused to run. That simple advice saved me a lot of unnecessary running during recess. Although I don’t have a problem with being chased around the playground at my age, I like to think of that simple advice in a different way. It’s kind of like what Eleanor Roosevelt said, “no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Just like no one can chase you if you don’t run.

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