Thursday, October 7, 2010

© Madison Whittington

Today my alarm went off at 6:30 AM. I got out of bed, walked to where my alarm clock sits on my bookshelf, and pressed snooze. Then, of course, I immediately hopped back in bed. You see, I never get out of bed and get ready the first time my alarm goes off. Even though I know it doesn’t really make a difference it always makes me feel better to have that extra ten or fifteen minutes of rest before beginning my day. Once my mother had come in and told me to get out of bed (it was now about 7:50, I got up and began getting ready for school. I wouldn’t say I necessarily have much of a daily routine each day. Not because I don’t go through the same thing daily, but because I’d hardly classify it as much of a routine at all. I just wake up, get dressed, brush my teeth, put on as little makeup as possible and head to school. My dad drives me to school everyday. He always enjoys talking to me in the car since we don’t talk often, but I’m usually too tired to have much of a conversation.

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