Wednesday, August 4, 2010

It's late...

Everyone in this house is asleep as I am writing this. Everyone that is, except for me. I'm just not ready to go to bed yet. I'm much too busy thinking about, school starting soon, my boyfriend, the friends whose smiling faces I miss seeing every day, etc.
I've always stayed up pretty late, actually. If I go to bed early I spend so much time simply lying there thinking about anything and everything. I'm sure you probably know how that goes. After all, it's not that uncommon.

I can't believe summer is almost over! To me, it seems as if it just began yesterday. Although, I am looking forward to going back to school and seeing everyone. Maybe even learning a think or two ;)

Hoping your life is swell!

ps. The date and time is actually wrong on this post, and a few others i guess...because I'm in Colorado. It's actually only 11:24 here...and it's still technically the 3rd.
But hey, I'm just not gonna edit that. It's not all that important, haha :)

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