Wednesday, May 26, 2010


They were in love.

Then she went and got her heart broken

When she broke his.

When she said goodbye to love

Heart torn in two
Tears fall

She still loves him
But she's already said goodbye.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Move along :)

I guess when you really love someone, and they truly mean so much to you you never really let go. Someone wise once said "no person can cross the path of our destiny without leaving a mark on it forever." I believe this to be true :)

A huge thank you to all of the wonderful people in my life (for everything). You've made me who I am, and will always be very close to my heart :)

PS. If you click on the title to this entry, it will take you to the YouTube link to the song I'm listening to

Monday, May 3, 2010


Then they tell you
how proud they are
and you can't help but realize
this time
you did the right thing.

"Change is the most important thing. It opens up a new chapter in life."

Sunday, May 2, 2010

His tears

He sheds a tear

She sits on a bench
In the shade
With another boy
Oblivious to his pain

We all know it's love
Watching from afar

He sees perfection
She doesn't see him